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The evolution of science is planning several brilliant machines in the field of medicine for tomorrow. The bionic eye and 3D are not the only ones. In this article, discover some technological machines for the medicine of tomorrow and their roles.
The fold-out capsule
It is a piece of medical equipment that comes from the progress of science. It is a robot that can be controlled remotely, because it contains a magnet. The unfordable capsule is designed to move around the body, to retrieve a metal object swallowed by mistake. It also has the ability to heal damage by the object. In reality, this robot folds inside the capsule. Once in the body, it has the capacity to unfold to accomplish its mission. To prevent it from being necessarily piloted, researchers are working to make it autonomous in these trips. For more information on similar topics, see cerelink.
The selfie that allows you to diagnose
Washington State University is working on a smartphone app that can help tell if you have pancreatic cancer. How it works ? Just take a selfie photo, the application through this selfie check your bilirubin level through the whites of your eyes. If the whites of your eyes are yellowing, there is a good chance that you are sick.
Bionic eye
The bionic eye will allow patients who develop blindness caused by a retinal problem to see well. Now through an encrusted bezel. The latter would consist of a retinal prosthesis. However, currently the design knew a little complex for the researchers, but they promise arrived at the end of their missions. From all of the above, the evolution of technology makes the medical industry more sophisticated and capable. However, it remains if these instruments are harmless to health?